Thursday, December 17, 2015

The Business End

       The dream of authorship, it is not for the weak of heart.  I have the heart of a writer.  I love to put marks on the page that come together and create a story.  It really is just about that, for me anyway.  This may sound weird but in my head, I have all characters that literally push their way forward and demand that I share the world they live in.  I can actually hear them speaking, see them moving and feel the excitement and sadness as they show me what is happening in their lives.  

          I think the thing is that I am discouraged because of the "business" of writing.  Why can't we just write and send out our work? If it is a good story, it will sell.  It is not that easy.  There are literally THOUSANDS of books (many very good ones) on HOW to write. Books on plot, scenes, dialog, characters. Formulas on how to write that are tiresome. Let us not forget how to be in the BUSINESS of writing, agents query letters, contest that are costly and stressful.  There are not just books, but webinars, and conferences and groups all about HOW to be published! For a person like me, it is discouraging.  

I just want to write, I just want to share the amazing tales of the characters in my head.  I think you will love meeting them.  They really do have fascinating lives. I have begun a journey with a new friend.  He has a story to share.  I have agreed to write it down.  It is going to be scary, because when I am done, I have to deal with the business of writing.  It is my dream to share his story with the world we live in. Wish me luck as he and I work together to bring something to this world that will engage and bring happiness to the ones that share the story.  

On the business end, wish me luck. I am not about that end of things. I am capable of the queries and the tediousness of the business, but my heart lies in the words.  I hope I can overcome the business to bring you the stories. Know this; there are hundreds of thousands of authors out there that struggle with the business-- I guess that is why we seek agents. People that understand the contracts, the details and allow us to tell the stories.  

In hindsight, I suppose I should thank the agent that will one day see my stories and say..."OH, yes sign this girl UP!" I look forward to meeting you!  

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