Thursday, January 23, 2014


Baffled and Other Stories
By: Gary Lawrence
My online professor this semester is the person that introduced me to the mantra I have adopted.

  "Write like a reader. Read like a writer." -- Gary Lawrence

   I was so impressed with this simple mantra that I pasted it to my computer to remind me to do just those things.
    After a few days of mulling it over, I decided I really wanted to meet him face to face.  I sent an email requesting a meeting. I also learned looking over his blog that he has a book published as well.  I asked if he would sell me a copy of his book, and when we met if I could pick it up.  He of course obliged and was kind enough to even sign it!

Baffled and Other Stories
 By: Gary Lawrence

I believe one can learn a lot from meeting a writer, but even more from reading his or her work.  My motive was to learn more about my professor through his writing and thus far I have been pleasantly rewarded with well-written interesting material. While I have just begun the adventure that is "Baffled and Other Stories" I can say the first of the collection is very entertaining.

I am excited to be able to give a full review of the stories.  For now I can tell you about Baffled the opening story in his book:
The stories I have completed are very well written and engaging.  I have seen the world he is creating and that is vital to a good story !  The details are clear and inviting. I love his right to the action approach. The story I first read was Baffled, it transported me to a scene that left me wondering what would I have done in that situation, very intriguing and I too would have been baffled if I were the main character or his love interest on how I would have handled the end.  What I love about Mr. Lawrence's writing is that I felt like I was there, I felt my blood pressure elevate I wanted to stand up and scream at the man before me in the scene.  That makes for good reading!

Additionally one of his stories Trinity - You Just Had To Do It (1963) that is part of this collection was also picked up for publication by Four Chambers: The Heart of Literature in Phoenix, Arizona.  I did of course read this story as well and found it to be enchanting. Again very well written and I truly felt a connection to the story.
I will have more on this collection as I get more read.  I do still have to do my assignments for my classes and work - I am however squeezing in as much time as I can on this great collection!

You can purchase his book right HERE

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Inaugural Post. A review of Alligiant by Veronica Roth

It has been suggest that I begin a blog dedicated to the world of writing.   I plan to review many of the books I have recently read in addition to sharing some of the interesting things I learn from these books.  I will include items on the craft of writing and perhaps a small glimpse into my own portfolio.

Photo from

Lets begin with the most recent book I read. Allegiant by Veronica Roth.   I would like to begin with a disclaimer.  I truly enjoyed the two previous books in this trilogy.  However, this final book fell a little flat for me.  I still enjoyed reading it, but I did not really feel the end of the story was very well constructed. With the movie Divergent coming to theaters soon I am sure there was a push for this amazing author to get her final book into print.

I will not ruin the story, in fact, I would encourage you to read the entire series as the concept is fresh and interesting.  I will warn you however, just like Suzanne Collins Hunger Game trilogy, the final story does leave a little to be desired. BUT the joy for both of these books is in the journey.  Enjoy the well crafted stories both of these women have created.

CRAFT TALK:  One of the things that I found difficult, in final book ,Allegiant was the POV (Point of View).  Roth took a dual first person POV and it became tedious at times for me to remember which character's voice was being used.  Because Tris and Tobias are intricately involved on the same "side" and often speak of or to the same characters. The reader may find this confusing.  Flipping to the front of a chapter to remind myself of the character that is speaking became a break that was very unwanted.

  I don't know why Roth chose to go between the to characters but I would not recommend this styling when both of the characters often speak with or interact with the same personalities in the story.  It caused confusion and caused me to "leave" the story several times.

NO SPOILERS The end of this book, after the big semi (not really) surprise, drug on forever. I recall specifically looking at the number of pages left and thought to myself what else is coming.  I was on the look out for something surprising and it never came. I think this is why there are many others reviewing the book and giving it poor rating.  I think the Divergent fans expected more, and it was not delivered .I don't think many of them are deserved, I think the writing was SOLID but the end needed more time to craft and  I wonder if Ms. Roth's editor was barking at her to finish regardless of the protest that she needed more time.

OVERALL, I think the movie coming out pushed this final book to be completed and harmed the integrity of the story. I do however, look forward to seeing more work from Ms. Roth.